Del Diablo - BLACK KEVLAR JUMP ROPE - Corda de fogo para salto
Corda de fogo |
Este equipamento é indicado para quem já sabemanipular fogo
Produto não indicado para iniciantes
Especificações do Produto
ATENÇÃO: AS CORDAS NÃO DEVEMBATER NO PISO , sob risco de rompimento.
Vc pode criar suas próprias imagens ou procurar por outras já existentes, uma fonte comum de imagens para pixel poi é Visual POI Zone, recomendamos imagens de 74Px. Vc terá que ROTAR as imagens em 90 graus. Por favor tenha em mente que as cores de seu Monitor não serão necessariamente identicas às do LED, experimente para chegar no seu ideal. Creating imagelist file? Once you have found or created your own images, move them all to the same folder on your computer. Now, you need to create a list showing in which order these images should be played during the show. Create the file imagelist.txt in the same folder as the images (or open the file if it already exists) and put there the list of image files in the order you want to use them in your show, one filename per line. Include the .bmp extension in each filename, and put leading slash (/) before each filename, as shown below. Optionally, you can also add how long the image should be shown, in seconds (whole numbers only!), separated from filename by one or more spaces: /image1.bmp 20 /image2.bmp 41 /image5.bmp 10 /image1.bmp You can include some image file more than once, or not at all - it is your choice. The name of your image list must be imagelist.txt, all lower case. Uploading images? To upload images, place the staff on a horizontal surface (e.g. on the floor) and turn it on. It will briefly light up to show the battery voltage and then go into upload mode; to indicate that, every 4th LED should be lighted in light green color. Wait for 20-30 seconds and open the WiFi search dialog of your computer. You should see there a new WiFi network with the name POVSTAFFXXXX, where XXXX will be replaced by a 4-digit number, unique for each staff. Connect to this network, using the password which you can find in the information sheet included with your kit; if you misplaced it, email for help. Type the following address in the URL field of the browser: http://povstaff.local:8080 (note: the staff doesn’t support https protocol. If your browser gives you a warning about unsecure connection, click on “continue to site”.) You should see the webpage of the staff, which looks as follows: Drag and drop the image files and the imagelist.txt file to the file drop area area of the webpage. You can delete files you no longer need by pressing on letter ‘D’ next to the filename. You can also edit imagelist.txt file online by clicking on ‘E’. Once the files have been uploaded, just turn the staff off.
Arquivo ZIP COM IMAGENSoriginal18zip original36zip original72 zip |